Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Did i do a mistake? I dont know. heart is full of pain because of you. i loved you and was that a mistake done.
                   Never been like this before in my life. Days lying on my bed wit tears rolling down my eyes     
                                                                      every second.
                                                    Its all because i love you so much.
                                                   I sacrified everything just for you.
                                         It was my first time just for EVERYTHING.
                                            You dont understand how i feel for you.
                                                    Can't u sacrifice her for me?
                                                   Is that very hard to be done?
                                           Sleepless nights i've been going through.
                                                   just and only thinking about you..
                                                   You left me with a heart-ache...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

my best buddy :)

this is my cute lil' buddy, hey wait not lil' but hugeeeeee. LOL.
we spent an awesome time togedha fr christmas shopping. she's just like a carbon copy of me but EXCEPT that she's scared about everything she does :)
I was just partially her mother today haha.
Had lotsa fun with you and your mum today hawt stuff( burningg haaawtt! ).
butt im verrry sorry had to leave early :(
you know you love mee babe! :)